Taking Rest by Tracy Williamson

Do you ever get the feeling that your life is like a game of dominos? One job leading inexorably into another; one deadline fulfilled opening the door to another needing to be met? The joy of seeing a piece of work become substance, a printed page that others can read; pristine covers full of words you've crafted; the euphoria of a launch,  signing your book for someone, celebration and wonder at what God has helped you to achieve.

I've been in that place recently with my new book Unashamed  and am still there now.  But alongside the joy of seeing my book birthed is a feeling of exhaustion.  I feel I need to be doing important work to make my book known and I do need to......

But even as I think of my next step and goal, a little whisper comes into my heart: 'Don't be afraid to take rest.  I did.'  

It was those words, 'I did,' that stunned me.  I seek to follow Jesus and do the things he did, but I often interpret that in terms of loving people, praying for people, reaching out to people, doing his works. . ., but here he was saying 'don't be afraid to take rest, I did.' 

Taking rest, letting go, giving responsibility over to God, relaxing, waiting, eating and enjoying fun with friends; basking in the beauty of creation. . . HE DID. God took rest after creating this universe.  He stepped back from the domino board.  He ceased creating.  He allowed time for what he had made to flow through and out.  He stepped back.  He rested.  

In Matthew 11:28 Jesus said, 'Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest.'   It's ok to acknowledge that we are weary and weighed down.  Sometimes I feel like I've failed if I admit that I am dry or needing inspiration.  But Jesus already knows and totally understands.  He invites me and all of us to 'come to him.' This is not to be told that we MUST write a certain amount of words or edit yesterday's work or start up a new project, but to receive the gift of rest.  What does that rest look like?  

Jesus himself acknowledged his own physical tiredness when he chose to stay by a well one day and sent his friends off to buy lunch.  He chose to delegate, to sit awhile, to relax his body and chat with his Father.  On another occasion he slept on a cushion while entrusting himself to God's care, even though a storm was raging around their boat.  It's no coincidence that both at the well and in the storm, amazing miracles flowed out of his time of rest.  

'Come to me.' says Jesus, 'and I will give you rest, rest for your soul.'  The temptation is to keep going, keep producing, keep pushing doors, but Jesus wants to give us rest.  His gift of rest springs from his utter security in his place in God's heart.  His spirit is renewed as he spends time at that well and he is empowered to reach out with life changing words to the broken woman who comes to draw water.  Similarly, as he slept on the cushion in the boat, new strength flooded his spirit and he was able to rise up, words on fire, to rebuke to storm and speak peace, both to the storm itself and his terrified friends.  

In a fraught time in her life, my friend Marilyn penned this song: 'I take time to be quiet with Jesus.  He stills my heart with his tender love.  I feel the joy of his full acceptance.  His mercy streams from his throne above.  I take time to talk with Jesus, my every care is known to him.  I may be tempted to fret and worry, but as I trust I have peace within.' (I Take Time, (c) Marilyn Baker) 

Marilyn sensed Jesus love and acceptance renewing her as she chose to rest in his presence.  His peace filled her heart as she talked with him instead of fretting and striving.  I feel this is really important for someone today, to know that you are so loved, just as you are. If you feel weary, you don't have to produce or work things out. Jesus says instead, 'Come to me and let me give you deep heart rest, knowing the joy of my acceptance and the strengthening of my peace.' 

Tracy Williamson is a writer and speaker working together with her great friend and ministry partner Marilyn Baker for MBM Trust.  Tracy's latest book about inner transformation, Unashamed, was published in Sept 23. 


  1. Timely words and a good reminder. Thanks Tracy 😁

  2. Thanks Tracy, I needed to hear these words today.

  3. So, so true and very beautifully expressed. Thanks Tracy.

  4. Thank you Tracey, something we all need to hear.

  5. Thank you Tracy. This is so encouraging and the image of Jesus sleeping peacefully in the boat through the storm has been very meaningful just recently.

  6. Beautiful post, Tracey! Thanks for the wisdom shared. Blessings.

  7. Sometimes I feel that God enforces us to rest when we least expect it! That certainly happened to me when I broke my wrist at the end of May. That enforced a rest from then until early July following a very busy, exhausting period of editing and getting ready for a book launch. It certainly gave me the energy I needed for this very busy book launch period. Thank you God.

  8. To re-quote you 'It's no coincidence that both at the well and in the storm, amazing miracles flowed out of his time of rest' - I'd never seen that. That spoke to me. Thank you.


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