Sharing Our Christian Writing


A topic I’ve been pondering recently is: when your writing is explicitly Christian, how do you share it with those who are not Christians? Is it an opportunity to witness, or would it be seen as trying to force your faith on others? 

     Until recently, my main method of sharing has been occasional articles on social media, where I have friends and connections with a variety of different beliefs. I don’t share everything I write, probably only once every few months - pieces I’m particularly proud of or that I think people may find helpful.

      Judging by the likes and comments I receive on those posts, it is mainly my Christian friends who engage with them, but of course others may have quietly clicked on the articles and read them. I like that it gives people that opportunity without any pressure to respond. Most of my writing is Bible-based, and I hold to God’s promise in Isaiah 55:11:

      It is the same with my word.
I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
and it will prosper everywhere I send it. (NLT)

     Recently, I sensed God prompting me to go along to a monthly writing group that had started at my local library. It made a lot of sense – the library is very close to my house and my place of work; the group meets at a time that fits perfectly with my schedule - and it seemed like an ideal opportunity to connect with others in my community. However, the prospect was daunting. I was unsure who would be there, what their writing experience would be, or how my explicitly Christian writing would be received.

      So far, I have attended the group twice, and it has pushed me out of my comfort zone (writing poetry and reading my writing aloud!) but the people have been welcoming and the conversation has been interesting.

      Last time, after reading a flash fiction piece which I admitted was very different from my usual writing, a fellow group member began quizzing me about what my usual writing was like. At first my explanations of devotionals and Christian blogging were met with polite smiles and an air of bemusement, but as the session ended, the lady who had asked all the questions began asking more about the website I write for. Then she said, “Please bring one of those pieces to read next time. I’d really like to hear one.”

      Judging by some of the language in the piece she shared, I’d be surprised if she was a Christian, but she has invited me to share some Christian writing, and it seems like a great opportunity.

      Maybe the key to knowing when and how to share our Christian writing is sensitivity – sensitivity to others, but, more importantly, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and openness to make the most of the opportunities he provides.

      Now I just need to work out which piece to read…

Lesley Crawford blogs at Life In The Spacious Place and contributes regularly at Gracefully Truthful. She has written One Big Story, a Bible curriculum for school groups and contributed to various anthologies, including the ACW anthology, "Merry Christmas, Everyone" and "The Jesse Tree Anthology".








  1. Well done for reaching out - that takes courage

  2. Great post, Lesley. We have to be realistic about our Christian content - it IS going to be mostly Christians that read it - but that doesn't mean we can't share it sensitively and appropriately with others, and it certainly doesn't mean that the Spirit's work is limited. Well done on sharing about your faith writing - that DOES take courage. I pray that the Spirit guides you to the right piece to share with this interested lady.

    1. Thanks, Philippa! I appreciate your prayer for the right piece to share.

  3. Such a helpful piece and well done for sharing your writing in a non-Christian context. Love how God opens doors in this way.

    1. Thanks, Katherine! Yes, I love when we suddenly see God working in ways we don't expect.

  4. So appreciate this post Lesley -it's a difficult thing when we're swimming against the tide! Well done for being honest with your writing group about writing devotionals and Christian content. It takes courage - but how amazing that one person wants to know more! Will pray that seeds are sown! Such a great opportunity and a fits in so well with the scripture you shared.

    1. Thanks, Angela! It does seem like a great opportunity to share!

  5. You are brave, Lesley. I write on my blog for a general audience, but review Christian books and occasionally write about Church/faith related topics.

    1. Thanks, Susan! Hopefully some of your regular readers will read some of your Christian posts too.

  6. Well done. Keep sowing seeds. :)

  7. Lovely post, Lesley. Thank you. May the Holy Spirit continue to help you as you answer to the great commission to win souls for the kingdom. Blessings.


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