Blank pages to be filled

I will still confident of this:
I will see the goodness
of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord

Psalm. 27:13-14
We have left the last year, and in fact the last decade behind, and as many seem to think 2020 will be a time of envisioning, breakthrough and fulfilment for God’s people.  In the book of my life I have reached beyond halfway, but my heart is still centred on the Lord, and know that each day in Him is a new day and starts with a blank page.

I don't make New Year resolutions, but am resolute in keeping my commitment, trust, delight in the Lord and believe it is important to hold on to faith of unseen hopes and that any vision given by the Lord will be fulfilled.   In 1981 for me it was of a modern-day Ark - a house built on a hill where His people could take refuge, rest and be rehabilitated into society as a testimony of God's love and provision. We hadn't the money then, and don't now, but use what we do have to support the calling on other peoples' lives.  And similarly they are using what they have while believing the Lord is preparing them for a greater outpouring of His Holy Spirit.  In the lives of those listed in Hebrews, when faith twinned with belief of God's promise,  the impossible became possible, proving God’s timing and the waiting is never in vain.

The promise for me came in Ps.37 "He will give you the desires of your heart." We see blessing as we give money away, we always gain more!!  So His answer is always 'yes' and 'amen'.  I based my books on that verse, see them as part of the fulfilment of the vision and especially enjoy including the supernatural interventions of the Holy Spirit in my life and the lives of others.

In November I shared Richard Gamble’s fifteen year vision of a wall of prayer coming together. Last month it was Travis’ dream that took him beyond our reality!  This month Sarah and Mike with the hope of one day leading a church and desire to live  in the US will see both dreams fulfilled.

In 2008 I had a picture from the Lord of an empty sea in which only copies of 'Jane' were floating.  Puzzled, I questioned that.  His answer, “They are life-rafts”.  I pointed out as there wasn't anyone in the sea they weren't needed. I sensed his smile.  The reply, “You've heard of the message in the bottle?" I nodded, "They will arrive in the right place at the right time."  

In 2015 my husband retired and we began taking cruises. Today I see how my giving away, or leaving the first book 'Jane' in the library each time could become that  life-raft, or message in a book!!   When asked, "What do you do?" I give out an advertising card which says, 'When searching for your destiny leads to danger, who would you turn to?'  Last time two couples from Hobart, Tasmania asked to buy all four books! The sales won't help build the dream, but their emails with rave reviews have encouraged me, and made connections on which to build.  

As writers' we use different methods, but all start with a blank page.  Have you a dream/vision? The Lord in 1983 led me to the verses in Habakkuk where he was told to write the revelation down, as it is for an appointed time, it won’t linger, it will come and not delay.


  1. Thanks for this, Ruth. Excited to share with you and ACW members that I've just been given an unconditional offer of acceptance by my local University to study a postgraduate certificate in Creative Writing! This is the first part of an MA course which I may not fully do but God does seem to have given me the desires of my heart. I was unsure as to whether or not it was right but then the idea of it kept coming back to me. Hopefully I will not only be able to improve my writing but also be able to share my faith amongst the other writers on the course.

  2. Thank you for such an inspiring read, Ruth


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