What Contemporary Culture can teach us about Faith (and Writing)


As writers we are often encouraged to read a wide range of material regardless of our preferred genre of writing. It is this variety of writing which not only helps broaden our minds but also helps us develop a deeper appreciation of the writer’s craft. As part of my Methodist Local Preacher training, we are called as part of that process to examine and analyse various theologically related themes and to write a reflection on how and why it shapes not only our core belief but also to our calling to preach – and write about - the Gospel and our faith.

 Poetry, music and art have traditionally been used to depict faith and religious belief since the dawn of time. These were considered part of the contemporary culture of their respective ages and continues to attract its practitioners today. Since the arrival of cinematography, faith-related themes have featured in the contemporary culture of our own time, many telling the story of Jesus and the influence of Christianity through feature film or television series. Examples include films such as Martin Scorsese’s Silence (2016), telling the story of the persecution of Christian missionaries and their converts in medieval Japan or Franco Zefferelli’s 1977 TV serial, Jesus of Nazareth. More controversial examples include The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) also by Scorsese, and Mel Gibson’s graphic account of Christ’s crucifixion in his 2004 film, The Passion of the Christ. More recently saw the release in cinemas of Mark Wahlberg’s film, Father Stu, based on real-life boxer turned convict turned priest, Stuart Long.

 For my own analysis of an item of contemporary culture I chose the film RISEN also from 2016, looking at how a particular aspect of faith was depicted within a specific genre and reflecting on the likely impact not only on people of faith, but also those who profess no faith but might be curious to know more. Below I have re-produced a shortened version originally written in October 2020 including where applicable, biblical references used in the story.

 Film: RISEN running time 1hr 43mins

The actor Joseph Fiennes has played many historical characters throughout his film career from Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester in Elizabeth (1998) to Martin Luther in Luther (2003) and as Olympian Eric Liddle in On Wings of Eagles (2017), the story of Liddle’s life after the 1924 Olympics as a Chinese missionary, and his eventual death in a Japanese internment camp in 1945.  

In this 2016 film he plays a fictional character at the centre of arguably the greatest of all historical events, the Crucifixion: followed by the mystery surrounding the resurrection and ascension of Jesus into heaven.

Risen is the story of the resurrection told through the eyes of a Roman Tribune (senior military officer) named Clavius, (Fiennes) who along with his assistant Lucius (Tom Felton), is tasked by Pontius Pilate (Peter Firth) with finding out what happened to Jesus (Cliff Curtis) following his death on the cross which both men had been ordered to supervise along with the sealing of the tomb after his burial. When the tomb is eventually found to be empty, the fate of both men depends on Clavius succeeding in proving that Jesus’ body was indeed stolen by his followers in order to proclaim the prophecy of the resurrection.

From here the story follows Clavius and his search for what he believes is a missing corpse because he himself saw the dead Christ nailed on the cross. During a subsequent house to house search Clavius discovers the disciples and Mary Magdalene with a man who looks like one he saw crucified. Ordering his men to stand down he enters the house where Jesus calls him by name telling him, “There’s no enemies here”. Clearly mystified by events, Clavius sits at the back of the room observing the joy of the disciples being with a man he believed to be dead. This account is taken from John 20:26-28, as it includes the arrival of Thomas who sees the wounds from the cross and who then believes that it is Jesus who is among them.

When the disciples decide to go to Galilee, Clavius decides to follow them to ascertain the truth of what he has seen, to understand how a man he knew was dead could come back to life again and why people should follow this Yeshua in the way that they do, but still struggles to comprehend.

The ascension scene includes words taken from four different bible sources when Jesus addresses his disciples-; I go to prepare a place for you - John 14:3 / Go, to all the world and preach the Gospel to all nations – Mark 16:15 / You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and unto the ends of the earth – Acts 1:8 / Know that I am with you always – Matt 28:20, after which Jesus is shown walking into a shaft of bright light and then disappearing. The disciples feeling energised decided to return to Jerusalem (Luke 24:52) inviting Clavius to go with them. He however decides to go his own way knowing he is a marked man for failing in his mission.

By setting this version of the events surrounding the crucifixion and ascension within the detective genre, it is possible to imagine much of what is depicted in the film to have actually taken place. The film’s writers by skilful use of the various Gospel accounts, weaving them into a single story while still keeping faith with the texts, is not only key to understanding what for Christians is the central tenet of our faith; the death, resurrection and ascension into heaven of Jesus Christ, but also a tribute to their skill and imagination and of the actors who brought this to life on the screen.

The film allows the main character, Clavius, to be transformed by the events he has witnessed but also to find redemption. Having been tasked with supervising Christ’s killing when he does meet Yeshua, there is no bitterness or desire for revenge either from him or the disciples. Love is indeed the only weapon they wield.

Faith is about making changes within yourself, to seek and live a new way of life. For those who profess not to believe in a faith, Risen does answer many of the historical questions about events in Jerusalem some two millennia ago. But it also helps those of the faith, understand a little bit more about Jesus’ time on earth and why the bible is a book of history as much as a book of faith, written for its time not ours, but still a continuing source of inspiration.  

 If you haven’t yet seen this film I would certainly recommend you look out for it next time it is on Tv or buy the DVD, it really does show what contemporary culture can teach us about our faith and how we present it to the wider public.

Michael Cronogue originally from London now resides in Walsall in West Midlands region of UK. Writer and blogger discussing matters of faith and theology on his website www.michaelcronogue.com


  1. I will definitely check this film out - thank you Michael.
    You also raise a good point about including the visual and performance arts as part of our education and exposure as writers. I belong to a family of film buffs and we have great conversations analysing what we watch - from the cinematography to character development. It's a modern version of English Literature

    1. Thank you Liz for your comments. Movie making is a complex business, my late uncle was a craftsman (plasterer) at Pinewood Studios even that got quite complicated when building the sets he once told me!!!

  2. The film Risen was used in our Church as a Lent study. It is very good. I mentioned it on my blog. https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2019/04/21/easter-sunday/

  3. HI Sue, thanks for your comments, certainly makes a good Lent study topic. Have you seen film version of Mary Magdelene yet? Another one to complement any bible study programme.

    1. No, I haven't seen that. (I much prefer books to films!)

  4. It is not easy to read books outside one's genre not to talk of movies. Being a writer has exposed us to a whole lot of genres outside our keen areas and I'm amazed at how God has talented writers in their specific writing craft. I haven't seen 'Risen' but your post has piqued my curiosity and I would definitely watch it and be blessed by its message on faith. Lovely post. Blessings.

  5. You've really made me want to see Risen!

  6. Definitely worth a watch as are the special features

  7. I really enjoyed 'Risen' - definitely one of the better biblically based films around! (I found Gibson's The Passion of the Christ very problematic). We need excellent Christian literature and art - now more than ever.

    Joseph Fiennes was very chilling as the dreadful Commander Waterford in 'The Handmaid's Tale', by the way!

    1. Hi Philippa, my sentiments exactly have you seen Mary Magdalene yet? worth a watch. Loved Joseph Fiennes in Wings of Eagles and Enemy at the Gates.

  8. It's a great film. I originally watched it at the Christian Resources Together Exhibition and then liked it so much I bought it. Recommended.


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