In those moments by Tracy Williamson

I can't insert a photo today.  I'm on an old computer in a different place and its just not working  as it should.

Life can be like that.

Those moments when you wake up full of plans but then life rushes in and sweeps them all away and you find you are chasing behind your day, trying to catch the remnants as futilely as trying to catch an autumn leaf blowing in the wind.

Just stop a moment.

Stop the panicking, hustling, spinning and sighing.

Stop and see

Who is there with me

In those moments?

'Master there are people pressing all around you,' said the astonished disciples one day when Jesus stopped short on his planned journey and asked who had touched him.

He had recognised a touch so fleeting, of longing, of need, of faith.  A touch not even on his body - there were plenty of touches there for as Peter had said, crowds were pushing and shoving all around him. . .

But this was different

The faintest tug upon his robe, it's very lightness stealing into his heart like a whisper - it was one of those moments -- to stop. Even thought there were plans and agendas calling him and a press of people carrying him forward, he knew this as the moment to stop; to look around, to feel, to listen and to hear a whisper.

My computer is playing up. No letter I type appears for several seconds.  My frustration levels soar.  I am hemmed in and pushed along that road of trying to achieve something that is doing its best to thwart me,

But in this moment will I stop, listen, look and feel?

Do I hear that whisper?

Will I see that glimpse out of the corner of my eye?

That momentary flash of a ray of sun breaking through the menacing sky.

The presence alongside me of him, a gentle touch, a gift of peace, an invitation to breathe – 

To breathe in the Holy

To be stilled

And suddenly to see that life isn’t in the demands and the plans, the deadlines and the push and shove of others,

But its in those moments of glimpsing, just beyond the edge of my vision, that he is there always, for me.

And in those moments, when I hear, just beyond life’s cacophony, his whisper.  I hear his whisper of love, I feel that gentlest of tugs on my heart; the sudden knowing that in this moment, instead of the panic of push and pull, I just need to turn my head the slightest, open my ears the tiniest, breathe and relax . . .

And suddenly find that ‘those moments’ have become THIS moment

where I can encounter and be.





























































  1. Just beautiful, Tracy, and so, so good to be reminded of these things on this Sunday morning. Thank you!

    1. Deborah Jenkins, thank you. I am so glad you were blessed by it. Love Tracy xx

  2. I love this, Tracy.
    God works so differently to us, doesn't He? Turning problems and interruptions into opportunities and blessings, if only we stop and listen. I've learned to consider any disturbance of my prayer as a potential nudge from Him instead.
    Thank you for your encouragement.

  3. Love your writing, especially “life isn’t in the demands and plans.” Thank you for posting this!

  4. Thanks Tracy. I suspect this is the main message to us from COVID: stop, look, listen, feel ..... Some of your trouble may have been caused by the non user friendly new blog format. Not looking forward to doing battle again next month!

  5. Love this, Tracy - I can feel myself slowing down and breathing more deeply as I read.


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