Back to the future...4 - Moses

"Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, for Joseph had made the sons of Israel swear an oath. He had said, "God will surely come to your aid , and then you must carry my bones up with you from this place.  

Exodus 13:19

It would be 430 years before Moses approached Egypt's Pharaoh saying, “Let my people go.” Moses an Israelite, rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter grew up in the palace before killing an Egyptian and fleeing to Midian.  There he married Zipporah and had a family. Had he, in what was a ‘long time,’ given up hope of helping his people when a ‘strange sight’ drew him to meet with God?  Commissioned to release his people he trusted God, but feeling inadequate God released into him a supernatural power and I believe the understanding in having being raised in a palace and years learning desert survival, he'd been prepared for this. 

These men of faith encourage me to understand that nothing we experience in life is wasted if we learn from in it.  In my years in a spiritual desert I found in the Lord a continual refreshing oasis. In the latter years opportunities opened up to venture into new territories where worship and Christian conferences reconnected me to those of like mind. Over the years I’d written novels to reveal God’s love, and enjoyed the job He’d given me, but began to sense a new season in my desire to serve the Lord and write about Him.  

In 2002 I left work for a deeper walk with Him in the belief, despite unsurmountable odds, one day the vision I had in 1980  would become a reality.  Three years later He asked me to fast for forty days and feast on His Word. I knew in being obedient release would come for a new beginning and spiritual home.  In the midst of the fast, and for the next two years, the Lord revealed to me the value of my life and who I was in Him. 

One morning Jer.6:16 resonated with me. “This is what the Lord says, ‘Stand at the crossroad, and look, ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is…’ He’d spent years transforming and renewing my mind and His promise in that is we 'will know His good, pleasing and acceptable will'.  I asked, “The ancient paths are your Word and Spirit, but where are the people walking in those today?”  Within days an unexpected conversation sent us to a church where we had attended conferences. That Sunday morning during worship I was overwhelmed by Lord’s Presence, but when the speaker preached on Jer.6:16 that clinched it for us.

Within weeks a leader invited me to the church’s private intercession group, our willingness to serve was accepted, we made new friends and found a thriving spiritual home. Despite the changes in twelve years as a people we are growing in numbers, knowledge of God and the faith to know we are in the right place at the right time. The church’s key verse this year is Dan.11:32 'those who know their God will be strengthened, stand and do great exploits' with the motto, 'Know, Grow and Go.'  The long awaited break through is coming to God’s people where we will enter into all God has prepared for us.

                                                                                                             Ruth Johnson
