Time Flies by Wendy H. Jones

It has been a frantic few months for me and I seem to have lost track of time. For example, I didn't even realise today was 1st June and my turn for the ACW Blog. I am usually an organised person and forgetting something like this would normally bother me. However, on this occasion I have taken it in my stride. I've just come back from a weeks holiday and enjoyed every minute. I used my time to rest and relax and connect with my nieces. It was good to take a step back and re-evaluate everything. Hence the reason I am not stressed or worked up about the blog having slipped until later in the day. 

Sometimes I need to remember there are only 24 hours in each day. I try to pack as much in as possible but sometimes something might slip. Often, I feel that this is a reflection on me as a person. You know what, it's not. No one will think any the less of me, especially God. He loves me just the way I am, whether I remember or forget a blog.

Saying that, this does not mean that the blog will be late every month. Normal service will be resumed next month. Until then I ask you to think about the way you are leading your life. Are you really taking the time to relax and watch what is going on? Time passes so quickly.

I am fortunate to be one of the ACW members who are going to Scargill at the weekend. That will be another opportunity to take stock and spend time with god. To all those going to Scargill, I look forward to seeing you. Whatever you are doing this weekend. have a fabulous time. 


  1. Have a wonderful time in Scargill!

  2. Time passes so quickly it frightens me, sometimes. The wonderful weekend at Scargill has really made me realise that I need to be living NOW, not planning to fetch out my life once again when *this* is over, or *that* happens... we're not promised tomorrow, only today. Thanks for this reminder, Wendy. I must find some balance.


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