Leaning on a Spider's Web

Do you own books to which you return again and again? In difficult or troubling times, are there authors whose words are able to comfort and encourage you? One such for me is the late Jennifer Rees Larcombe. If, like me, you’re a fan, you may recognise my title this month as that of one of her many books. I come back to her autobiography, “Journey Into God’s Heart” again and again. It’s been the straw at which I clutch more times than I can remember.

I’ve been privileged to hear her speak and to go to her house for prayer and fellowship on a number of occasions. She really was the most wonderful and special person and the world is poorer for her leaving it. As I was thinking what to write this month, that feeling of putting our weight on something we cannot see and trying not to lean on our own understanding wouldn’t go away. 

I’ve spent much of this week filling in a spreadsheet for my tax return. There’s nothing creative about it and I always put it off, but actually, going through all the entries has sparked so many memories for me. 2022 was the year I took the leap of faith, gave up our catering business and became a full time writer. This time last year, I was sitting in my newly built Palace of Creativity wondering how on earth I was going to make it. Work was fairly thin on the ground; I had two books to market and was suffering with writer’s block on the third one. I was also in the grip of imposter syndrome. What did I think I was doing pretending to be a novelist? Why didn’t I get a proper job?

Running my finger down the columns of numbers (more going out than coming in) and entering the data into my spreadsheet, memories went off in my head like fireworks. Me on the train heading for Dundee for the Brechin Book Festival, courtesy of the wonderful Wendy H Jones. That was my first proper outing as an author and it taught me so much. Scotland-bound again (thanks Wendy) for the Scottish Association of Writers’ awards. Meeting Georgie Tennant for the first time. Delivering a talk for the online ACW writers’ day. Going back over that period between April 2021 and 2022, I was able to see with hindsight that God had been there every step of the way, guiding and encouraging me.

Last year was tough. My parents got frailer, there were lots of calls to 999 and in October we had to move them into a home. That generated huge amounts of work and stress and still is. I spent many sleepless nights imploring God to help me and show me the way. 

Leaning on a spider’s web. Faith can feel like that sometimes. When things don’t go your way, when unexpected challenges and difficulties block your path, when you  have to let go of things you loved, God is always there, never changing, always loving us more than we can ever imagine. I’ve got all kinds of plans for 2023, but I am learning that I need to discuss them with God first and pray them through before I take the leap. 

What are you praying through this year?

Images by Pixabay


  1. Lovely post Leigh! Inspiring, encouraging and motivating with food for thought. To be a christian writer in our present time , to me, is a leap of faith. Thanks for the reminder to put God in our plans and discuss with Him first. One can so easily lean on their own understanding['leaning on a web']. What am I praying through 2023? Continue writing in faith for God and faith. Blessings.

    1. And if we do make resolutions (I don't), continuing writing in faith for God is a stonking one! Blessings, Sophia

  2. Beautiful, Ruth. Such an inspiring post and lovely to be reminded how God uses apparently fragile things and situations to remind us how strong and dependable he is.

    1. Thank you Deborah. It's something I've learned through hard times the past 12 months or so

  3. Reading this, I was reminded of that verse about God not snuffing out a smouldering wick and it resonated with the theme of fragility you're talking about here. Sometimes it feels as though we're only just about hanging on but he seems to specialise in that. You have made massive progress this year and shown incredible drive and persistence. Here's to 2023!

  4. I don't think I've come across that verse before. Where is it? I love it! Thank you - well, I threw everything at it and I hope it pays off. Yes indeed, here's to 2023 whatever it might bring us

    1. Isaiah 42:3 'A bruised reed He will not break and a smouldering wick He will not extinguish'. It's one of my favourites. I pray it a lot for loved ones whose faith is faltering.
      Loved your blog post Ruth. What I'm praying through is what happens after my MA, some big decisions to be made - but not yet.

    2. That's lovely. I must write it down. Gosh yes - exciting new steps for you, Liz

  5. When I first started to read your post, I thought you were going to mention Charlotte's Web- going by your title. There's so much beauty, strength and mystery in a Spider's web, as their is in our faith. I can never predict what God is going to do next. As for what I'm praying though? Well, this could be a life changing year, in one way or another, and I'm hoping for change, but I need to learn to trust in his timing,as frustrating as that is.

  6. Oh yes! I hadn't thought of that. I have been there a thousand times, Martin. It's so hard not doing it all in our own strength. I will be praying for you this year


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