The Keys of the Kingdom

"...Destruction and violence are before me, strife and conflict abounds.  Therefore the law is paralysed and justice never prevails.  The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted."  

The Lord's answer, "Look at the nations and watch - be utterly amazed for I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."

                                                             Habakkuk 1:3-:5 


The above verse seems so appropriate for these days. I think we can safely say, we could never have anticipated all that has happened in these last months.  As I write this, I can barely believe it’s nearly twenty-two weeks since lockdown and twenty years since the Lord highlighted Isaiah 22:22 and the importance of using the keys of the kingdom.  We are the holy priesthood who are able to open and shut the windows of heaven, cross-referenced with those verses in Matthew about binding and loosing. 

However, I won’t be loosing my latest blog series on the internet just yet!  If I hadn't felt the Lord ask me to write this, and felt it important I would have given up in the first month.  All I can hope is that my story blog will encourage God’s people to consider and use His keys in their lives, and when praying on behalf of our nation.  Today, as Christians, we face so many issues, and we need to know how to unlock the heavenly realms so we can ask the King of glory to come in and do battle on our behalf.

This last month I have gained some ground in writing, but still feel I am wrestling to keep a clear mind, not be distracted, and push through.  I so want to bring forth the Lord’s truths, yet find myself constantly humbled, or convicted by the storyline, seeing those ‘little foxes’ you think you have eradicated, but so easily rise up, eg frustration turning to anger!  There are days when I have to type fast as the words and plot seem to spill forth, but although I know what I am trying to say in re-reading it doesn't always seem clear.  At those times I have to either expand, or even rewrite the story. However, there have been a few days when the storyline flows and so matches in with what is before I am astounded. 

I am sure many writers go through times trying to get their mind into the ‘zone’ but it seems ridiculous that in two months I have only managed to write  twenty-five keys at around four hundred words each.  I have a few outlines making it to about thirty, and can only pray the remaining ten will be easier.  And admit last week with two really hot beautiful days I took a ‘holiday’ and with lockdown easing two more days off to visit people!    Hopefully next month I shall be able to announce the daily keys are being released, and I am back writing the fifth book!! 



  1. I love the idea of the daily keys. Keep at it, Ruth! Imagine the joy when you finish.


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