Poverty in production - Tania Vaughan

These last few months have been a strange time as a writer, can I even claim that title if I haven't actually been writing?

As I have followed the progress of fellow writers rising to the challenge of writing a novel in November I felt myself sink into a pit of despair at the poverty of my production.

Yet as I pondered my post for today, wondering if I could truly contribute as a writer who isn't writing right now, I was struck again by the name of our blog. Being a writer is so much more than writing but I, and maybe you, measure writing skill and progress by what and how much I produce.

You see while I haven't been writing I have been reading, researching and reflecting. This is such an important part of the process of writing which in itself seems to produce nothing but is in fact an essential ingredient to the final production.

I am, I have to confess, a task orientated completer finisher, so there is an insight into my battle. Reading seems like a past time, research feels like an indulgence and reflection looks like day dreaming. There is no task to complete or finish and no product to show - yet!

Maybe I'm not the only one challenged by feeling the need to produce. Do you need encouragement today? Let me tell you - that book you're reading will expand your knowledge and thought processing, the research you're doing will make that one paragraph all the more authentic, allowing it to come alive to the reader and that reflection, well what is a story without a little day dreaming?

There is no poverty in the production of good background to your writing, while away an hour without a pen (or keys) in your hand and know that you are still writing.

Tania Vaughan is a speaker and writer who started Let's Talk About Ministries after writing her book "Let's Talk About Sex and Relationships - A Bible study for single women".

Through Bible teaching and devotionals Tania seeks to encourage every woman to claim the full life that Jesus came to give them. 
Coming soon "Living in relationship with Jesus" a range of devotional Bible studies.
Contact details, speaking diary and online devotions can be found on her website www.taniavaughan.com


  1. This is so true Tania. Sometimes we need to take time out from the writing process to look at what we are doing and how we can do it better. Being a writer is a lot more than just writing.

  2. Thank you for your comments - It took me a long while to realise the value in not writing :)

  3. Amen - a great post when we often only judge ourselves on our output.

  4. A good and encouraging word, Tania. How often we berate ourselves for lack of visible productivity, forgetting how much our resting, reading and research will enhance the work ahead. Thanks for this lovely reminder! ��

  5. I have to smile - which is good - Once we were on holiday with some friends,and I was doing some reading & making notes for research. My friend said 'I never realised you did that until I saw you doing it!' ... And last month while everyone, it seemed, was bashing out their NaNoWriMo I was not done as research and meditating on the plot & characters is so important, and I reckon if not done in advance writing anything will be a waste! Never underestimate the time spent on it is worthwhile.

  6. For a writer, every bit of life and living it is grist tothe mill. No such thing as wasted time.


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