Bethlehem Embattled by Trevor Thorn

As Christmas memories take shape, for anyone who has had the privilege of visiting the Holy Land, as we did in May 2013, I guess there will be many who will be reminded of the sadness of finding Bethlehem and other New Testament locations enclosed behind the 'Separation Wall'. The picture here is of the wall in Bethany and gives just a glimpse of its size and oppressiveness.
As I have reflected on this during this Christmas period, the following short poem emerged.

Bethlehem Embattled

You gave birth to earth’s true hope;
Yet now you are enclosed
By hostile wall and strangling gates,
And quotas, fierce imposed.

May Angel hosts, not barred by walls,
Proclaim their song anew,
‘Let love and concord flood the earth,
through the peace of our Lord, a Palestine Jew'.

In part this felt an appropriate piece of writing having put up on my own blog a more conventional style of newly written Carol ‘Stable Talk’ in which Joseph makes his plans for his new-born son - though Mary is not so sure! if that sounds an interesting contrast, you will find it  by clicking HERE

Trevor Thorn


  1. Interesting post and your own blog is well worth visiting. :-) Sue

    1. Thank you! The situation in Bethlehem is just so sad. And thank you for the encouragement re Cross and Cosmos

  2. Great short poem - thank you for this thoughtful post.

  3. Thank you! It’s so sad to recall the situation in Bethlehem contrasting as it does with the hopefulness of most Christmas carols


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