Oompa Loompas, Gangsta Grannies and Greg Heffley

 In a writing blog, one simply cannot forget World Book Day. Like many others, our school held a day filled with writing, reading, and (of course) a catwalk of the many costumes chosen and worn by the children.

However, it was interesting to notice that fragile line between book and film. We also (cough, cough) had a number of our young dressed as footballers and, when quizzed, answered that there is indeed a book written about Lionel Messi. How can one argue with that?

From a teacher's point of view, I am happy that my children are reading something, but should I be content with any content? (Clever pun intended!).

Interestingly, there is a definite correlation between a child's reading and writing. American books such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Geek Girl are particularly popular amongst my ten-year-olds, and their written English is not really English at all - filled with abbreviations, Americanisms (OK, Yeah, Hi), and American spelling (mom, color, practice, alright, etc). Let's be honest; we all do it, and some publishers are more open to it than others, but should I be encouraging this in the classroom? 

I now know the Americans are extremely proud of their language and have their own dictionary to ensure it stays unique and preserved.  I'd always assumed it was some kind of evolutionary product from when the English landed in the Americas all those years ago. But, as an Engish person, I, too am proud of my language and positively glow when faced with a grammatical error that one can confidently correct.

Finally, Americans aside, we have the 'problem' of abbreviations popping up amongst the misspelled words. Abbreviations like" 'U' instead of 'YOU" and "C" instead of "see" and even "LOL" and worse, "OMG"! What on earth did we do before smart phones and texting?!

Some would say, this is the evolution of language, let the children be! But, I wonder, my fellow writers, what do you have to say about this?

