Fipple, Snit and Mote


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

 I know that sounds like a firm of solicitors, but all will be revealed.

 I don't find scrabble easy, but when you come across random words like Fipple and Snit, it becomes a lot more fun. 

For those who don't know, and I'm curious as to how many do know the definition - a fipple is not a cute furry creature on the distant planet of Ny, or a dance that young people do when they've had too much sugar, it's the part of some musical instruments, such as a recorder or pipe, that the player puts into his or her mouth and blows 

 And now I'm sure that you are desperate to know what a snit is? It's a wonderful word isn't it? It sounds suspicious and wrong, maybe because it sounds like snitch but then again it is a negative word, it's another word for someone being in a sulk 'Edmund is in a snit because he lost, yet again, at monopoly.

But that's not all ; it's also the term for a small amount of beer consumed with or after a bloody Mary - apparently according to the website Demitiris - the snit is a smooth pairing for the piquant spiciness of Bloody Marys - and that's because in the 1950's when vodka was in short supply, beer was used in the cocktail Bloody Mary's instead, and what do you do with the left over beer? You serve it as a chaser alongside the beer. I'm not a fan of Bloody Marys and I'm not a fan of beer, I'm more a cider man, but it's a fun story.

And whilst we are talking about random words, I'd like to throw in the word mote - a small particle or speck - you see thousands of them dancing and swirling in the light after you've had a shower or if you see a sun beam in a library or somewhere there's lots of dust.

 I came across the inspiration for this word whilst reading a wonderful book called My Name is Mina about a young girl who is home-schooled and one day finds an abandoned notebook and starts a journal. It's the prequel to another wonderful book called Skellig about a boy who finds an angel living in his garage. 

And that's where I'll leave you, as my blog is due tomorrow and I'm running out of time, but call this a cliff-hanger as I feel I may write my next one on My Name is Mina as I'm only a quarter of the way though and it really is a fascinating book. 

 Before I go, in Mina's book, there are Extraordinary Activities - so I thought maybe you could write a sentence using the word, Fipple, Snit or Mote. I'd love to read them if you do, share them in the comments or on Facebook.

Until next time, keep reading and writing....

Martin is a writer, baker, photographer and storyteller. He's been published in the ACW Christmas anthology and Lent devotional. He's currently honing his craft at flash fiction and you can find him on Twitter here.




  1. Lovely post, Martin; thank you! It is amazing to learn new words through playing Scrabble. On weekdays, I watch a TV programme called Lingo. I am so amazed at how many new words have entered our usage that it makes me feel extinct! Thanks for the 3 new words I have picked up here. Blessings.

    1. You are very welcome, and delighted to add to your word collection!

  2. Fipple, Snit, and Mote navigate a chaotic world of mischief and mayhem, stumbling upon a hidden mystery near a dumpster rental Gardena CA site. Their antics lead to unexpected adventures, uncovering secrets in the most unlikely places

    1. Sounds like a Sat morning kid's TV pitch. Brilliant! Thanks for joining in, John :)

  3. Fred had lost his fibble again. Being late would definitely cost him his place in the madrigals— Mr Snaithing had made that quite clear. Time ticked relentlessly down the passageway, as the grand father clock, its severe face set straight ahead, marked the minutes, pendulum swinging emotionless back and forth. It had to be here somewhere.
    ‘You’re in a snit again’ Miranda goaded, as he hared up and down the hallway upturning boxes and swiping shelves desperately.
    ‘The plank is in your eye the mmm in mine’ he nodded emphatically towards her, as he triumphantly grabbed the elusive reed, now exposed from behind the flower pot and brandished his prize before her.
    ‘ Will you drive me?’ He asked, his head sheepishly cocked to one side, the keys dangling suggestively from his fingers, the fibble firmly secured under his thumb. Miranda reviewed the request. ‘I’ll buy you a Bloody Mary on the way home’, he added, a cheeky grin spreading slowly across his way to confident face.

    1. Oh dear, Fred lost his fibble - which really does sound like a creature from Star Trek! Thank goodness he has Miranda to be his chauffeur. Thank goodness she has a soft spot for bloody Marys!

  4. "Your fipples are certainly a little inflamed, but a course of enriched snit cream will sort them out." The doctor frowned as he looked at my notes. "That said, your mote is one of the strongest I've ever seen. It must be all those park runs."

  5. Oh yes, Marjorie. She's the one who's always the first to arrive at Park Run, the loudest supporters and one of the fastest. I've heard that Isabella is dying to get in her inner circle #ParkRunPB and of course, Issy wants to be Marjorie’s personal Bestie! :)_

  6. Brilliant, I love new and interesting words!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lovely rhythm to Fipple, Snit and Mote. Can't stop repeating it. And, what a great photo. Who would have thought motes could be responsible for so much art.


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