Photo from Pixaby

Writers are always looking for inspiration and ideas, taking in everything around them, with a view to finding something to jot down and eventually slip into a writing piece.


Many years ago, I went with my partner to an old glass artwork shop in London, as he was making a leaded light window that had to match the original windows in the house, and this particular shop specialsed in old Victorian glass. I was amazed at how fascinating I found it all to be, and not as boring as I had imagined.  I could see why it could easily become a hobby, there was something very satisfying about looking at all the different colours of glass, and some of the glass artwork was breathtaking. I learned a lot that day, also the fact that glass can be good to work with, and you don’t end up with cuts and grazes all over your hands. It really is a beautiful art, and I could easily get into it myself. Somewhat like writing I guess.


While my partner was chatting away with owner of the shop, I noticed a customer looking around with interest nearby. We started talking about the shop, and he seemed a very nice, pleasant man, quite tall and gently spoken. After a while, he began to share some of what was going on in his life at the time (which is not unusual for me when I meet strangers), so I listened to him.  He seemed very low and upset that his wife wanted to divorce him, and was leaving him, and he said that he would be left to look after his four children. I felt such compassion for him, and like I have said before, God always seems to give us a divine appointment, sometimes in the most unusual places, and when you least expect it.  


I shared a little with him, that I had also been through a similar situation, and how I trusted God all the way through, and Jesus opened the most amazing doors; I found a great job, a new place to live with my son, the miraculous things that God did for us, and eventually God brought a new man into our lives, who happened to be someone I went to school with years ago, we knew each other from the age of eleven.  I shared how much God loves us and in our lowest times, He really is there sorting everything out for us. I prayed with him that God would speak to his wife and give her a change of heart, but if that were not to be, then God would still bless him and his family abundantly.  We chatted for over an hour and I could see how Jesus and Holy Spirit had lifted him up through our conversation, and ministered to him, and God had given him peace and His amazing grace. 


He was so pleased that we met, and so was I.  God is looking out for us 24/7 and what a privilege it is to be part of God’s work. He spoke to my new partner, John, who also confirmed the amazing things God had done in our lives.


When we eventually finished chatting, he told me that he was an author, and that he was writing a new book, and he asked if I would mind him mentioning our meeting in his book, as it meant so much to him. I said of course not, I was delighted. He went away so uplifted, and hopefully his wife would see a happy change in him, and maybe she would have a change of heart too. Either way, he knew that he didn’t have to worry; God was with him.


I often wonder what ever happened with his marriage, and I would love to have read his book. Little does he know that I have also written about him, and he is now mentioned in my blog. 


It is funny how some people we meet, even for a brief moment in our lives, can stay on our hearts, in the sweetest of ways. 


God bless.



 Derrice has written a book called “Glenna’s Angel – A Miracle from God” when God sent an Angel to her mother and healed her instantly in the ambulance from a near-death stroke.  It changed her mother’s life from that day on. The book is on Amazon and can be obtained in bookstores worldwide.  


Derrice has also written articles in Church magazines.




  1. What a lovely, warm post, Derrice. Thanks. I enjoyed reading it, as it brought back similar memories of God's wonders in our lives. Blessings.

    1. Thank you Sophia. God bless.

  2. Love these encounters! Lovely story, so uplifting, I'm wondering about him as well now!

    1. Thank you Marissa. Yes some people we meet in life for a brief moment can stay in our minds for a lifetime. God bless.


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