Write Where You Are by Wendy H. Jones

I planned to write this post from Heathrow Airport, then I realised that by the time I go through security and find myself settled somewhere, the day would be fast wearing on. I am on my way to the United States where I will be undertaking a six week book tour. However, I digress. This is not a post abut my trip but about finding time to write.

In today's world, with all its modern conveniences, you would think we would have plenty time for writing. After all, machines do it all for us, don't they? Using my best mind reading skills I can tell you are thinking, what planet is she on, I barely get a minute. I get you. Life is often frenetic. I planned on using the time in the airport lounge to write a witty and scintillating post which would uplift, encourage and support you in your writing. Instead, I am using the time between making a cup of tea and having breakfast before I leap in a car where my friend will drive me to the airport. 

Today, I would encourage you to utilise any spare time for writing. Use an app on your phone. Use a notebook and pen. Carry your tablet around with you. If you have a spare half an hour whilst waiting for a hospital appointment/dental appointment/the kids at gymnastics, crack open your laptop, buy a cup of coffee and write. You will be amazed at how much you get done. In my case, my first instinct was to crack open social media. Now there's a time suck if I've every seen one. I looked at my daily stats for using social media on my phone and it scared me half to death. I have vowed to use my spare time writing, wherever I am today. I would like to encourage you to do the same, hence the title of my post 

Write Where You Are

I would also encourage you to put God at the centre of your writing. He should very definitely be - Right Where You Are. Have a great writing month and I will see you back here in September. 

About the Author

Wendy H Jones is the Amazon Number 1 best-selling author of the award winning DI Shona McKenzie Mysteries. Her Young Adult Mystery, The Dagger’s Curse was a finalist in the Woman Alive Readers Choice Award. She is also The President of the Scottish Association of Writers, the Webmaster for the Association of Christian Writers, an international public speaker, and runs conferences and workshops on writing, motivation and marketing. Wendy is the founder of Crime at the Castle, Scotland’s newest Crime Festival. She is the editor of a Lent Book, published by the Association of Christian Writers and also the editor of the forthcoming Christmas Anthology form the same publisher. Her first children's book, Bertie the Buffalo, was released in December 2018. Motivation Matters: Revolutionise Your Writing One Creative Step at a Time, was released in May 2019.


  1. Very encouraging Wendy, in your usual feisty style; and also a warning about too much time spent on social media! I'm currently in hospital having had a knee replacement op 2 days ago and I confess I haven't been writing...but almost as good,I've been reading, a book by an ACW member, Nicki Copeland: 'Less Than Ordinary'.


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