
Do you find change easy to accept? I don’t always.

I find change easier to accept when it comes to writing though.  I see it as necessary development.

I blog for an online magazine and write flash fiction and love both.  Learning to balance the needs of both styles of writing keeps me on my toes! I also look to improve on what I do for both.  There is no such thing as perfect writing, well not in this life by us anyway, but you can strive towards it, knowing every writer is also striving.  (I find it comforting to know I'm not alone here!).

Improving your writing takes time and practice!  Image via Pixabay
I look back at things I've written a while ago and see now where I'd write it differently to improve meaning or see where I could've used fewer words.  All you can do is the best at the time for where you are "at" with your writing but this is a journey.  You move on, having learned from past mistakes, and so your writing does get better.

Being ready to change can improve your writing - image via Pixabay
I started my writing life with lofty ambitions to be a published novelist. I'm still working on that! It can be useful to try different forms of writing before finding out, through trial and plenty of errors, what you're best at. Isn’t it strange you can guarantee plenty of errors in life?  What you can’t guarantee is getting things right!

What will your next writing step be?  Image via Pixabay
I had been writing short stories for Bridge House Publishing and Cafelit when I spotted the latter had issued a 100-word challenge. I decided to give it a go, mainly to see if I could do it, and quickly became addicted to flash fiction. That's where I've been published but I never anticipated this when I started.

The blogging for the online magazine came about as a result of a writer friend suggesting I gave it a go.  I did and I now blog weekly for said magazine, often on writing related topics. So what is the moral of this?

Stretch your wings and see what happens. What have you got to lose?

How will you stretch your writing wings?  Image via Pixabay
Be open to the idea of new challenges and I'm convinced that doesn't just apply to writing.  Accept the trial and error process will take time.  Accept you are going to make mistakes (and probably the same ones more than once) but the process of going through that will bring you, and your writing, on to better things.  That doesn’t just apply to writing either!

Which direction will your writing changes take you?  Image via Pixabay.
Oh and if, writing wise, you're not sure where to start, why not try the ACW competitions? Entering competitions is one of the best ways I know to try ideas out and see what works and what doesn't. Don't fear rejection either. It happens to us all for one thing, sometimes you can get feedback (treasure this, it's always useful), and it is how you learn to change what doesn’t work.

Setting goals, and getting feedback where possible, can be invaluable.  Image via Pixabay.
I review at the end of the year what writing hopes I’d achieved during the previous twelve months.  Sometimes I manage them, sometimes I don’t, but I carry them over into the next year so I can have another go!  Is that cheating? I don't think so!  Sometimes things simply do take longer than expected. Learning to accept that is also part of a writer's development.

How will your writing change and improve?  Image via Pixabay
Good luck with your writing for the coming year. I hope you have many interesting writing challenges ahead of you!


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