Image Credit: All images for this post are from Pixabay. The older I get, the more I realise uncertainty is nothing new. Nor will it go away, no matter how much we might wish or pray it would. This thought hit home when I was singing Joachim Neander’s marvellous hymn, God, My Hope on You is Founded at a recent church service. In one of the verses, the words “sword and crown betray our trust” suddenly struck me as being a massive political statement. I have no idea why that thought had not occurred before during the many years I’ve sung this hymn. Sword and.... ...and Crown betray our trust I looked at Joachim Neander’s dates of birth and death. He lived from 1650 to 1680 (which even by the standards of the time was not a long life span but he was unfortunate enough to catch TB. He did write 60 hymns. I wonder how many others would he have gone on to have written had he lived to a more usual age.). He was a hymn writer for the...